Eye Tracking: Activation Functions While experimenting with multiple architectures, I took the opportunity to step back and consider how I might confine the output of the neural network to be a bit more specific to the GazeCapture of iOS devices.
Eye Tracking Update: Neural Network Architecture and Loss Functions Background As a part of my graduate studies at Regis University, I have had the opportunity to begin exploring my own project during my Deep Learning class. (Data Source) By using this data set before my practicum (Spring 2019), I hope to not only explore and model some interesting data
GPUs or CPUs for Deep Learning? Photo [https://www.pexels.com/photo/blur-close-up-computer-device-343239/] by Jordan Harrison [https://www.pexels.com/@jord] from Pexels [https://www.pexels.com/] The repurposing and expansion of GPUs for neural network calculations has revolutionized the possibilities of deep neural network architectures and made large, general-purpose models like Inception and RestNet computationally
An Intro into Ethical Issues of Data Science Data is everywhere. Now more than ever, the internet has exploded with almost inconceivable amounts of data just waiting to be mined by the eager researcher. The industry is continually discovering new and innovative ways to apply this data from music recommendations to disease prediction.